5 Reasons Why You Should Join Rayobyte

Thinking of joining Rayobyte? Here are 5 great reasons to do so: 


  1. Bureaucracy for its own sake is not welcome:    Our company is wholly committed to the idea that “we will always be a startup”. There is a time and place for policies and procedures, but they should be the exception or the obvious (like paying our taxes on time), not the rule and norm. You should join us if you enjoy an environment that can be crazy and chaotic, but also filled with autonomy and opportunity.


  1. We are not a one-product-pony:   You should join our company if you’re inspired to build new products, rather than working on the same product for eternity. Today, we may sell data SaaS products and infrastructure, but not forever. At one point in our company history we almost started a tech-driven gym, bought a restaurant, had a VPN, Wordpress Hosting, and more. Many ideas fail, but the ones that succeed are the ones that keep us trying!


  1. Profit is not our main goal, only one of them:  You should join our company if you feel a for-profit can serve more than a single purpose beyond “profit maximization for shareholders”. We believe deeply in many of the tenets of Conscious Capitalism, and strive to satisfy all our major stakeholders: Employees, Customers, Vendors, Profit, Community, and our Environment.


  1. You want to grow, personally and professionally:  ‘Self-actualization’ is one of our core values because it is that important to us - ‘what one can be, one must be’. This is unique to each person, but what’s important is that each individual has something they’re striving for personally and/or professionally to better themselves every day.


  1. We give a shit about you:  We’re not claiming we’re the only company doing this, but we do believe the world is filled with too many companies that focus on profit over people. Not here. You will be respected and treated like an adult (which sometimes means still having hard conversations!) and we expect the same in return. The result: a company full of people that care about one another. You can read here how we put this into practice at a larger scale.