Environment Stakeholder

Environment Stakeholder

From our Founder, Neil


Last, but definitely not least, is the environment in which we all live in. 

When we consider how most businesses operate - from a “profit only” mindset - it’s no wonder that the environment is the one that suffers. Lawmakers are paid millions of dollars by lobbyists of major, profit-only, corporations to prevent further regulation that would help the environment, but hurt the bottom line. I won’t stand on this soapbox long, but wish to inspire other businesses to look inwardly and ask themselves: “Why am I really doing this [business]? Is it really to ‘maximize profit at all costs’?”

My answer is: no!

Yes, profit is important. And the rules of Conscious Capitalism state that capitalism itself is the answer, not the problem. Yes, that’s right! I am saying that profit is necessary! But, “not at all costs”. If making a profit means dumping chemicals into fresh waterways, then I’d rather just be flipping burgers. 

Those are the extreme cases though, and the majority of businesses are faced with more subtle decisions such as: “Should I pay extra for LED light bulbs that are more energy efficient, or save money and buy others?”, or “Should I work with a vendor that gives me a cheaper price, or with a vendor that is more expensive but uses green energy?”.

Unfortunately, I am one of the business owners that has failed here.

At Rayobyte, we’ve talked about environmental impact, but have never acted on it. It is my commitment to change that. As of this writing, 2024, we are shaping up a very big initiative that will be launched in August. It may not pay for our previous faults, but my hope is that it is a step in the right direction, and acts as inspiration for other businesses to do the same.

Our ethos for serving the Environment

To be launched August 2024 🙏

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